Sunday, 2 November 2014

Your Business is in Secure Hands – Make Way for Productivity with Secure Networks!

Small and medium-sized businesses often lack the IT resources of large companies. As a result network security may not be sufficient to protect your business from today's Internet threats like viruses, spyware, zero-hour attacks, hacker attacks, Data interception and theft and many such issues that make your productivity less and disrupt smooth functioning.
Now the question comes how to secure your networks efficiently? Not to worry, we will answer to that wisely. Now the foremost thing to understand is that no single solution protects you from a variety of threats. You need multiple layers of security. So if one fails, others still protect. Network security is accomplished through hardware and software and they must be constantly updated and managed. A network security system usually consists of many components. Ideally, all components work together, which minimizes maintenance and improves security.

Network security components often include:
  • Anti-virus and anti-spyware
  • Firewall, to block unauthorized access to your network
  • Intrusion prevention systems (IPS), to identify fast-spreading threats, such as zero-day or zero-hour attacks
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), to provide secure remote access:-
  • Once secured, productivity multiplies:
  • No disruption while at work.
  • Efficiency of employees goes up.
  • It helps your company meet mandatory regulatory compliance.
  • Protects your customers' data.
  • Reduces the risk of legal action from data theft.
  • Helps to maintain smooth delivery to clients.

Added benefits of a secured network:-
Share & Care:- As a result of a competent network, computer files can be stored centrally, therefore multiple people can work on one single copy. This helps to delegate one’s responsibility (faxing, mailing, printing, etc.) to others for better functioning. Also, if you have a broadband Internet connection, setting up a LAN will allow the entire office to access the Internet concurrently.
Back it up:- You can store computer files at one place will also make data backup easier, more reliable and cost efficient.
Data Sharing:- Certain applications such as accounting, scheduling, contact management, as well as billing software, allows user to setup a central data repository for multiple computer access. Once the repository is setup, multiple computers can view and modify the same set of data. Data sharing increase work efficiency, allow faster decision making, and let you have a better view of the status of the business.

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